Tourist attraction

Amagoi Taki

Historic sitesHistoryNature

Utaki, a sacred place, located on the eastern end of Shuri Plateau. The King conducted a ritual to ask God to bring rain here; that is why this place is called Amagoi Utaki. A small hill (altitude 132.9 meters) where Arenga Engleri (Mani, in Okinawa dialect) is growing. The hill is surrounded with stone walls and the entrance gate is built towards the North with an altar and stone incense burner on the side.

Basic information

903-0814 1-77 Sakiyama-cho Shuri Naha Okinawa
098-917-3501 (English is not supported) Municipal cultural property division of Naha city
Business hours
Nothing in particular
Close day
Nothing in particular
Access information
About a 12-minute walk from Yui Rail Shuri Station, about 6 minutes by car.

Additional Information

Academic information
Cultural property(Municipal designated historical site)
Designated Date: April 16, 1976
A small hill (altitude 132.9 meters) where Arenga Engleri (Mani in Okinawa dialect) is growing. The hill is surrounded with stone walls and the entrance gate is built towards the North with an altar and stone incense burner on the side. The King's leisure home called "Uchaya-udun (tea house)" was on the East of this Utaki (currently, Catholic church site). Bengadake can be seen 1 kilometer away in the East and Shurijo Castle stands out in the northwest.
In 1683 (Kouki 22), Oshu Sakuho-shi, a delegate to the King visited Ryukyu. In his book Shiryukyu Zatsuroku (Ryukyu Miscellany, 1683), he describes the view from the Amagoi Utaki as "The best picturesque place in Chuzan." Also, there is a small hill under the Reception Hall (Uchayaudun), and it is shaped like it is covered with a cup. This is the Amagoi Utaki (which is a sacred place to pray for rain).
Naha Board of Education Cultural Heritage Division (2007) "Naha Cultural Property" Naha Board of Education